KTPS – Knights Templar Proactive Security
We provide our Knights Templar MC Members with our own additional security backup. This may be necessary at events The KT’s are involved with, or during rallies and concerts, for example, yet not exclusively. The protective equipment that our Knights Templar Security wear is not dissimilar to the gear we wore, nearly 1,000 years ago. It serves the same purpose, yet it’s nowhere near as thick and heavy as it was.
“Ready To Serve Our Father
The KTPS. or “Knights Templar Proactive Security teams are highly trained Professionals. We all receive extreme levels of training, that makes us second to none in providing military level security protection. We train our security to the same standards of only our most professional police officers, fewer in numbers these last days, from the evidence we’ve seen on YouTube from body cam and police cam footage.We don’t just believe that we’re in the last closing years. We know we’re in the last closing years. We don’t have time to argue with sinners, nor spend time proving how we know all of this. We’re getting on with it. Rapture for the loyal Christians won’t come straight away. We’ll have to endure for a time, before those days are shortened, for the sake of the elect.
However, when all “hell” breaks loose and there’s world wide civilian unrest, our Knights Templar are the only one’s who are trained to ‘serve and protect’ that you can truly trust, because we’re soldiers of Christ. However, here’s the catch. If you’re in trouble and you’re not micro chipped with KT ID, then we can’t prove your loyalty to God, through Jesus The Christ. That may be difficult, even impossible in many cases, in which case we’ll give preference to those who have been identified as loyalists first, after which we”ll reassess the situation. Sometimes we’ll get it wrong. Yet, if you’re saved you’ll be fine anyway. Whatever happens, you’ll be back in the arms of The Lord. Hopefully you won’t suffer at the hands of the enemy for long. If you’re identified as a Christian loyalist, we’ll look after you as best we can.
“Micro-chipped Knights Templar
The Knights Templar + The MC and The KTPS are required to be micro-chipped for many reasons. This gives HQ the ability to track members movements. When you join the Knights Templar you’re saying you’re honest and can be trusted, so why would you care about being tracked. This has a multi-fold purpose. If an enemy trys to frame you for a crime, we have proof of where you were at the time. If there is an attempted abduction on you or a family member, HQ can move quickly to alleviate the threat. Thirdly, if a KT distress call goes out, we can have KTPS deal with the threat quickly and efficiently. Micro-chipping means we can map the location of all Micro-chipped Knights Templar at any given time and also co-ordinate our defense teams. If you insist on not being Micro-chipped you can opt-out, as you have freewill. Yet, I’m sure closer to the end peruod, when law and order breaks down, you’ll change your mind quickly.Body Combat Gear
Below is a layout of the protective equipment KTPS wear. The Knights Templar MC are changing the face of MC’s globally. With emphasis on upholding the law, serving our Holy Father and protecting and serving our communities, our objectives are clear. If you’re doing nothing wrong, you’ve nothing to worry about. If you’re committing a crime, we may catch you at it. Of course, as with all security, we use the minimal force necessary. However, as with any citizen, if an individual or group of individuals are threatening our life/lives, we reserve our right to retaliate with deadly force.Helmet / Face Mask / Riot Shield

Fire Resistant Balaclava

Kevlar Neck Protector

Hatch Armour Cool Headwrap

Ess – Profile Turbo Fan Goggles

Hatch Tactical Fingerless Gloves

Hatch Under Armour Gloves

Voodoo Active Shooter Gloves

Hatch Neoprene Elbow Pads

Hatch Neoprene Knee Pads

Armor Systems Concealable Carrier

Tactical Jacket

Tactical System SLS Holster

Coiled Tactical Pistol Lanyard

Double Cuff Disposable Handcuffs

Neat Freak Organiser

Voodoo Tactical Gear Belt

Active Shooter Body Armour

Hatch Peacekeeper Shield