Returned to complete unfinished business is; the original Knight’s Templar Founder Hugues de Payen (the original Moses, Adam, Ham, Abraham, 12,000 years from now Jesus The Christ) - (Proven within the Bible Code).
God's precious cihildren. This is your final chance to raise your vibrations and join us in the 5th Dimension, upon/within a carbon copy of our current Earth. This is constantly being updated to reflect changes in our current Earth ("In Earth as it is in Heaven), yet also cleansed and restored, all sin and evil, pollution etc removed for good!
More powerful than ever...The Knights Templar are gathering their Christians together and preparing their chosen for the final Holy war, of light vs darkness, as it is written. Only 50% will make it, to keep our Universe in balance light/dark.
The remaining 50% will remain on this current Earth. After they're destroyed by fire from heaven (tungsten rods is 1 possibility), their souls will fall to the darkness of the Over Lord's of darkness (the Draco).
Our Christian mercenaries are now leading the final Christian takeover on Earth, complete by 2044, the last year of the Sabbatical calendar. We're conducting this simultaneously with the upper Echelon, who have been in place for some time and clearly visible on Google Space, around 220 million km's from Earth, near Saturn.
The Knights Templar are providing Donald Trump with SC (Security Council). Trump is Chief in Commander of the U.S Military. Despite what many are viewing on television, God exonerated Trump back in March of 2022.
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The original Saints of Malta's founder / co-founder has been returned to Earth . This has been confirmed from within the bible code. I have returned in order to assist in the final days takeover and introduction of God's new Kingdom. Although just one of many of Prime Creator's Universes, Earth holds a dear place within Prime Creator’s spirit and that is because mankind was created from an alliance of 28 different star group genealogies, throughout the cosmos. In other words, humans on this Earth are, although perhaps not unique, at least pretty special. Distinct enough for the Greys to place a dead star, that we call 'the moon', in what scientists call 'a perfectly unnatural orbit'. This was in order to study us and create a soul for themselves. In fact, I was implanted with an RFID in 1998 / 1999, during a procedure which took place against my will inside my bedroom. Not long after that RFID implants were superseded in favor of Nano Bots that all mankind now have swimming around in their bloodstream, thanks to the invasive Illuminati Government. In more recent years many Greys have opted to free themselves from the Reptilian Anunnaki and create a life of their own, free of slavery to the Reptilians whom I have personally encountered. Some of these extra-terrestrials, including some Anunnaki, have signed the Inter-galactic Federation of Light’s - Peace Agreement and have agreed to stop mining human organs throughout space colonies. So am I? As stated in hidden text, within the Bible Code, I am not just the founder of The Knights Templar but also... Continue Reading......Click Here
A Brief History
Nearly 1,000 Years Ago Existed The World's Most Powerful Soldiers Of Christ - Outnumbered 3-1 in many battles The Templar Knights still had victory over their enemies. Nearly 1,000 years later the original order of Templar Knights are back, at least their First Grand Master is. Although I couldn't possibly know the now re-incarnated Knights new names I was able to discover my own within the bible code. How I did this is complex and is explained throughout this site. Hugues de Payen is now myself. For now, it is impossible to know who my original Templar Knights are today. Hopefully I will discover some as time goes on. Once again we will return to battle as Templar Knights, this time our mission a little different. This time we will primarily ride to raise funds for worthy causes. Yet, there is also a tougher just as important mission, we will progress into. Both missions are described on this site. For The Knights Templar, victory is once again assured.Take The KT-MC Site Membership Exam
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The Knights Templar MC
The Knights Templar MC would like to extend to you an invitation. Should you decide to become a Knights Templar you'll be taught how to attain the toughest character and yet still be part of a respectful Christian Brotherhood / Sisterhood alliance. You'll feel you're part of something worthwhile and know that you'll always have someone watching your back, so long as you're not deliberately involving yourself in any criminal activity, to which you've placed yourself at the mercy of the system. Become a Knights Templar and you'll be helping to establish a Kingdom, to receive you with open arms on the return of our mighty Messiah, Jesus The Christ!
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KTPS - Knights Templar Proactive Security
The Knights Templar MC are a new tough breed of Christian men and women. However, we have no perceived enemies and are therefore of no real threat to you. For this reason; we respect all other bikers and civilians alike. Violence is not an option, unless our personal safety/life is at risk, or that of another. The Knights Templar MC make no judgements regarding other biker clubs or whether their activities are legal or not and therefore we make no comparisons. However, we are permitted to uphold our beliefs and claims about who we are and how tough we are. We offer all individuals this respect. Please; show you are as tough as us by returning this respect and you will earn our respect. Attempt to threaten or disregard this respect we extend to you all and we will perceive you as being weaker than us. We deal with all threats to life seriously and are permitted by God's laws to take a life, if ours are threatened in any way.
“We are not responsible for your personal safety. Your only enemy is yourself!”
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The Knights Templar Crusader Order

Templier, meaning 'Templar' were the traditional Knights Templar. They were 'The Poor Fellow Soldiers Of Christ' of 'The Temple Of Solomon' and therefore were also known as 'The Order Of Solomon's Temple'. A Catholic Military Order of soldiers serving Christ, The Knights Templar protected the innocent who were traveling through the Holy Lands from Muslim soldiers, also known as 'Assassins'. These murderers eventually became known as what we recognize them today as 'Al Qaeda' which translated from Arabic means 'The Base' or 'The Foundation' or 'The Fundament'. The Knights Templar were officially recognized by the Papal Bull Omne Datum Optimum in 1139. The Papal Bull was issued by Pope Innocent II in 1139, endorsing The Order Of The Poor Knights Of Christ of The Temple Of Solomon giving Templar Knights official rule and papal protection. Omne Datum Optimum is Latin for 'every perfect gift', as all spoils from the Muslim conquests were promised to The Templar, who were exempt from tithes and taxes.

The Knights Hospitaller: Malta was ruled by the order of St John as a vassal state (a state that is sub-ordinate to another), of the kingdom of Sicily from 1530 to 1798. As a vassal state they were required to provide military assistance if and when necessary. In 1530, following the loss of Rhodes, the Spanish Emperor Charles V granted the islands of Gozo and Malta, along with the city of Triploli in modern Libya to the Order of Saint John. Arising early in the 12th century, The Knights Hospitaller were a Monastic reformation Order associated with an Amalfitan hospital in the Muristan district of Jerusalem. Founded around 1023 by Gerard Thom, to provide for ailing and poor pilgrims venturing to and through the Holy Land, the hospital was dedicated to Saint John The Baptist. However, it should be noted that some sources debate the connection between The Almalfitan Order and its hospital and Gerard Thom's Hospital Order. In 1099 during the First Crusade and following the conquest of Jerusalem The Hospitaller became a religious and military Order and flew their flags of power under their own Papal charter. They were charged with defending The Holy Land. After the conquest of The Holy Land by Islamic control, the Knights operated from Rhodes, over which they were sovereign and then later Malta, thus the creation of the Vassal State. The Hospitallers were the smallest group to colonise America. The protestant reformations of Northern Germany and The Netherlands saw separation from the Roman Catholic Order. The Hospitallers were disestablished in England, Sweden, Denmark and throughout Northern Europe. Napoleon's capture of Malta in 1798 added further to the dissolution. Dispersion then followed throughout Europe and Russia. Regaining some strength in the early 19th century, the organization turned its focus towards religious and humanitarian causes. By 1834 the Order was now known as The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta. They acquired new head quarters in Rome and remained there until today. Five contemporary state recognized Chivalric Orders claiming modern inheritance of The Hospitaller tradition claim that 'The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta' is the original order, with four non-Roman Catholic Orders stemming from the same root. Protestant Orders can be found in Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany, along with a non-denominational British revival having established its head quarters in the United Kingdom with branches throughout The Commonwealth.

Saint Sepulcre
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, also called Order of the Holy Sepulchre, or Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. A Roman Catholic order of Knighthood under the protection of the Holy See. The Pope is the Sovereign of the Order: Recognized in 1113 by Papal Bull of Pope Paschal I and of Pope Calistus II in 1122, the Order was founded as Milites Sancti Sepulcri and was attached to the Augustinian canons regular of The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Its origins stem from circa 1099 under the 'Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri', Defender of the Holy Sepulchre', the Frankish Duke Godfrey of Bouillon. He was one of the leaders of the First Crusade and first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. In addition to the Canons Regular (the Fratres), early members included Secular Canons (Confratres or Sergentes), Milites Sancti Sepulcri. These were armed Knights of valor and dedication, chosen from the Crusader troops. Under the command of The King Of Jerusalem, they took vows to defend The Holy Sepulchre and other Holy locations and took vows to obey the Augustinian Rule of poverty and obedience. To this day Canons and Knights are bestowed for this purpose, to protect and serve the Christian stronghold in The Holy Land. In 1187 The Holy Knights of Sepulchre were transferred to the Franciscan Custody of The Holy Land. This was the highest Catholic authority in The Holy Land during the Middle Ages. From 1949 Grand Masters have been Cardinals. As well as The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta, it is the only Order of Chivalry that is recognized and protected by The Holy See. Today's numbers are estimated at about 30,000 members spread throughout 60 Lieutenancies around the world. This includes Monarchs, Heads of State and their consorts. Currently head quarters are located in Rome, close to the Vatican City. The church of Saint Sepulcre (sepulchre), was ceded to The Knights Templar by Saint Augustine's Regal Canons. The knights abandoned the church to occupy the palace and other buildings within the Herod Terrace in the ancient temple in Jerusalem, originally gifted by King Baldwin II.

d' Espagne
D'Espagne in English means 'Spain'. The Knights Templar fought alongside other Christian Armies in the Reconquista. Many battles were fought during this era, in order to wrestle control from non Christian strongholds, the Muslims being a prime target of subjugation, for God's re-establishment of a more moralistic society, based on the sound principles of Christianity. The Knights Templar played an important role in this and are infamous for battles such as The Battle of Navas and Tolosa, plus their successful conquest in re-gaining control over Majorca and Valencia. This led the Templar to receive great gifts from rich families across Europe. One such gift was received from King Alfonso I of Aragon (known as King Alfonso The Battler and King Alfonso The Warrior). He gifted large allotments of land and castles to The Templar Knights. Many of their own castles were also constructed. However two centuries later,, due largely to King Phillip V of France , who was heavily in debt to The Templar Knights, all of The Knights Templar's lands and castles were confiscated and gifted to their rivals, who The Knights Templar were often at logger heads with, The Hospitaller (re: Malte). In 1307 on October Friday The Thirteenth, The Knights Templar were rounded up by a huge contingency of King Phillip's soldiers and burned at the stake on false charges of heresy. Of course Friday the 13th lives on today and is supposed to be a day of bad luck, no doubt for those who have intentions of doing evil to Christians on that day. In Spain however the charges were dropped and the soldiers were cleared of any wrong doing, holding out in their castles during this difficult inquisition into their lives as soldiers of Christ. Under the protective order of King James II they became a part of The Order Of Montessa which was affiliated to the Calatrava.

The Order of Brothers of The German House of St Mary in Jerusalem, a reigious Catholic Order. The First Grandmaster of The Teutonic Knights was Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim. Their purpose was to provide protection for pilgrims traveling through the Holy Lands. They also served as a Christian Military order for the Baltics, during the Middle Ages. Today the Bailiwic of Utrecht of the Teutonic Order, a Protestant Chivalric Order, still operates and confers limited honorary Knighthoods. Descendents of the original order, they continue with charitable work. 'The Teutonic (Teutonique), Knights still exist today. They were also known as Zakon Krzyzacki which is Polish for 'Order of the cross. In Lithuania The Teutonic Knights identified with the term Kryziuociu Ordinas. In Estonia they were Saksa Ordu or Ordu, the English literal translation being 'The Order'. The Latin translation of Vacu Ordenis is the Latvian derivative for The Teutonic Knights. In Jerusalem, the term most identified with is the German term Orden der Bruder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens. In Latin this is Ordo domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum.Hierosolymitanorum. This can be translated in English to 'Order of the House of St Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem. The German origins of the order is where the name 'Teutonic' hails from. The French translation of 'Teutonique' literally means 'an honored and pious Knight'. Commonly known as Deutscher Orden in Germany, (in English 'German Order'), the Teutonic Knights were historically known as Deutscher Ritterorden or 'German Order Of Knights'. Other derivatives also exist such as, Deutschherrenorden Deutschritterorden (Order of the German Knights) and also Die Herren im weißen Mantel or 'The Lords in White Capes'. The Teutonic Knights were founded in c. 1190 and still exist today. Between 1180 and 1906, they pledged allegiance to The Holy Roman Emperor and from 1906 until today to The Papacy. They operated as a military religious order between 1192 and 1929. Operational Headquarters have been in Acre (1192-1291), in Venice (1291-1309), in Marienburg (1309-1466), in Konigsenberg (1466-1525), in Mergentheim (1525-1809) and in Vienna (1809-present). Their patrons are 1. The Virgin Mary 2. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and 3. Saint George.

The Knights Templar Biker

Born To Ride - Bred For Victory

Serve and Protect The Innocent
Who was Hugues de Payen (also known as Hugh or Hugo)?
Hugues de Payen was the Creator, co-founder and First Grand Master of The Knights Templar. (c. 1070 – 24 May 1136).
He is also the returned leader of The new Original Knights Templar, as per God's entry in the bible code Thus, he is the 1st and last Grand Master of The Knights Templar Original, plus this site's creator and developer.