So who is Brett Young? As stated in hidden text, within the Bible Code, I am not just the founder of The Knights Templar but also the original Adam, you are all familiar with. It was the Anunnaki who caused the fall of humanity, yet forgiveness is King. After Lilith, my first wife, fell. She was replaced by Eve. Adam’s new wife Eve, who was created as a woman version of Adam, was then beguiled by Lilith who became a disembodied spirit and one who was/is able to assume the shape of an owl, snake etc. Eve and I are however back home within the safety of our home planet Nebaddon, within the Universe Havona. So how am I also here in Earth? “In Earth as it is in Heaven”, often misquoted as “On Earth as it is in Heaven”, not the true words taught by The Lord’s holy word (KJV – Jesus’ whose words are in red). That brings us to the final truth about who we are and what we are.Many of you have now discovered the truth about our Universe and that is that it is a hologram. Yet, life here within this computer generated Matrix (mentioned several times throughout the KJV Bible), is extremely important. That is because it is a complex binary code computer program, designed to see which souls have attained a level high enough to be awarded a place of eternal existence within the ‘real world’ to come and that is ‘Christ’s Kingdom’. Many of you have heard the saying “you want the truth but you can’t handle the truth”. This is a truth within itself. What I am about to reveal to you now is the truth. Some of you may not be ready for it and that is fine, for “when the Student is ready, the Master appears”. You will return in latter years.
Elijah (jah), must restore all things before The Messiah returns. I, formerly known as Adam, have also been…Hugues de Payen…Noah…Daniel the Prophet…Elijah…King Arthur…King Henry III of Germany who introduced the Groningen currency to Hungary…Isaiah the prophet…Ham…Abram who in a ceremony became Abraham…last 3 lives 1. Max Baer heavyweight boxing World Champion…2. Edvard Grieg composer and pianist…3. David Ricardo (the third to last life still to be verified in the bible code, yet will).
Now, in time many of you will accept that I am about to see my final ‘soul ascension’, as Jesus the Christ, who will reign over our Kingdom and guide the Children of Israel. This is not a man born of skin or flesh for he is unto like God, like one of my higher souls Archangel Michael which literally means “he who is likened unto God”. Am I claiming that I’m perfect, of course not. However, perfected enough.
The future returns to assist the past. Jesus has not been created yet. He is born of the spirit and returns to the beginning of all human life. Andon, who I was, was the first human created 365,500 years ago. It was agreed that this 3rd dimensional Matrix would run for the equivalent of one Earth year and so it would be 365.5 days in Heaven. Only 1 year passes in Heaven for 1,000 years on Earth. Thus, this Matrix is 365,500 years old. They are already celebrating in Heaven, as Adam and Eve’s consciousness’ are about to be disconnected from the Matrix in about 1 more week of Nebaddon’s years which is 24 years here on Earth. Thus the reason it’s so important to get saved as soon as possible.
This Earth has been betrothed to Abraham, formerly Ham, Isaac and Jacob. I, just like you, am an Avatar in Earth. Thus Jesus’ choice of words ‘in Earth’ not on Earth’, because we are within a binary code program called The Matrix. In fact, the only thing that is truly real is our consciousness, having an experience, within The Matrix. In the near future Israel will strike out against all Islamic countries. 2 Billion fatalities will be the result. They will plead with Russia to assist. It is then that Armageddon and nuclear war will ensue. However, before it goes too far and all humans are destroyed from off the face of this Earth, there will be divine intervention from God. “For the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened”. 222 million miles from Earth a huge contingency is patiently waiting, near Saturn. These ships have been mapped by some. There are YouTube videos illustrating the intense war that has been going on for some time now between our own forces and other species who wish to occupy and own our beautiful and unique planet. Laser beams, likely km’s long can be seen. So too large ships with smaller ships within, perhaps the ones described in revelations that God will use to punish those unsaved still on Earth. Also lights forming landing paths to guide smaller craft in.
One thing is for sure, although no one knows the day of my future soul’s return, not even Jesus, research tells many of us that our Matrix will end in approximately 2043. This is also when the Sabbatical calendar ends. Abraham / Elijah / Adam is here now. That is myself, as The Last Avatar about whom they made a movie recently. I’m also, yet not for ego purposes, known as ‘The first and the last Adam’ or ‘The Alpha and The Omega’. Another thing is sure. All the unsaved that remain will suffer immeasurably after saved Christians have been raptured to Heaven, to await their new Heaven and Earth. Why would ‘The Lord’ (not Prime Creator), of this Earth, my future self do this…does not Prime Creator love us all unconditionally? This is exactly why I do this, under Prime Creator’s instructions, in a last ditch effort to save more souls from the torment of Hell. This plane does not exist physically, yet is a very real dimension located at middle earth. So terrified were Jacques Cousteau and his underwater cave diving team, they gave it up. The screams of hell terrified them too much. In Siberia, a drill bored a hole 1 mile into the ground. Spinning free, they knew they were where they needed to be. Yet, the microphone they dropped to record tectonic plate shift which incidentally melted pretty rapidly, first recorded something unexpected and terrifying, the voices and screams of those in hell. Senior management who arrived found abandoned tents and no workers.
Still not convinced? Do your own research. You see, God loves his children too much to send them to Hell or a place of punishment. Instead he gives us freewill. He also loves his children too much to allow sinners to torment them and so the final date is set. So how is it possible that there are some of God’s children going to hell, if God doesn’t send them there? It’s all about vibrations. If your vibrations are too low when judgement comes, due to too many lives of sin, you will drop through the wormhole further down into darkness which is impossible to escape because you can not lift your vibrations high enough to escape, due to your dark environment. If however you have lifted your vibrations high enough, due to enough lives of good service to God, you will have passed the judgement and you will join us in eternal light in the new Jerusalem here on Earth, this time not ‘in Earth’. In other words, you have won your escape from ‘The Matrix’.
I Abraham, am here representing my former self Father of Israel, also Adam and Elijah, along with all former souls that I’ve been. Jacob, once my grandson has now returned as my nephew. I will marry one day soon and bring through Isaac, my former son. Right now you have a choice to make Hell (darkness) or Heaven (light). Take this warning seriously, your future depends upon it. When judgement comes, if you are not yet saved, your future depends upon God’s judgement. The only real way to achieve your eternal freedom is to ‘return’ to Christianity and thus ‘return’ to our Father in Heaven, as you agreed to do before you came back to Earth. Follow me and I will take you to the light. Yet, I can not personally, despite being powerful, redeem you. You and you alone must do this for yourself. “The Lord helps those who help themselves”. No-one can save you but you reaching out to God our Father and only through Jesus The Christ, “for no-one comes to the Father but through me”.
Many Muslims are now fleeing their homeland because they are not free to make their own decision in returning to Christ. This is perhaps the defining factor in what makes Islam a religion and Christianity a science instead, for a ‘religion’ should, but isn’t, about freedom of choice, not bondage and slavery through oppression. This is why Islam has not become the dominating force upon Earth and is eventually eliminated for freedom of choice. In fact, in these last days reserved for trial and tribulation many Muslims are now dying of starvation, with the atrocities that have been committed upon our Christians, who are innocent. Vibrate higher and do good to humanity or vibrate lower and do evil to humanity, it’s your choice!
A Warning: The Knights Templar were and always have been sanctioned by God to ‘serve and protect’. We honor the faith of a Father who has never advocated killing innocents to further our cause. No I.E.D’s…no assassinations…no drug crimes nor sexual slavery…no polygamy…etc, etc. This has not made us weaker. Contrary to what many may think, it has only strengthened us. There will be killing. We are in last days. Yet they will not be innocents. We are entitled to uphold the law. We are entitled to defend ourselves and our planet. We are and we will. We are now worth trillions in USD. We are many and we are strong. Join us and you will achieve your eternal freedom. Oppose our freewill and you will suffer the consequences of your selfish and evil actions. Remember who I am and who delivered this message of love and salvation to you. Through 365,500 years of lives, mostly lives of selflessness and dedication to Prime Creator, I won the right to lead, as ‘The Chosen One’. When the time comes, don’t say we didn’t warn you. On with the victorious take-over and restoration process.
We have chosen to make ‘Gangsta’ a Christian concept. It’s the only way that we can get our younger generations to stop killing each other and innocent victims, even though none of us are truly innocent only earning the right to innocence instead. We are tough in our resolve to win. So long as we are not harming innocents, no government body nor individual, nor any organisation in Earth has a right to intervene. This is God’s law. Respect God’s laws and you will not be at risk in the last days. We may not be ruthless but never underestimate the power and the wealth of The Knights Templar’. Now, a little history on us….read on.

A Brief History
Nearly 1,000 Years Ago Existed The World’s Most Powerful Soldiers Of Christ – Outnumbered 3-1 in many battles The Templar Knights still had victory over their enemies. Nearly 1,000 years later the original order of Templar Knights are back, at least their First Grand Master is. Although I couldn’t possibly know the now re-incarnated Knights new names I was able to discover my own within the bible code. How I did this is complex and is explained throughout this site. Hugues de Payen is now myself – Brett Young – For now, it is impossible to know who my original Templar Knights are today. Hopefully I will discover some as time goes on. Once again we will return to battle as Templar Knights, this time our mission a little different. This time we will exchange our horses for steel horses and ride to raise funds for worthy causes. Yet, there is also a tougher just as important mission, we will progress into. Both missions are described on this site. For The Knights Templar, victory is once again assured!.The Knights Templar MC

The New Templar Code
Above is the original ‘code of chivalry’ I created, when I was Hugues de Payens. A lot has changed in nearly 1,000 years and I thought it was time to re-write a part of the original code. I have re-written Rule Number 15. “Death to all who oppose the cause”. I have changed it to “Death in combat to any life threat”. Also, for the first time in the history of The Knights Templar, I am encouraging women to become active Knights Templar members and ride with us, to partake in some of the tough Christian Crusades we have to carry out for the Lord. Of course, as with any situation where threat, serious injury and even death, albeit less likely, may be present, there are rules in place that can not be broken.The Rules Of Engagement

Life as a Templar Knight is not for the faint of heart. However, although a KT is required to be highly self sufficient in self defense one is also required to be a Gentleman or a Lady when one joins this order. The order I speak of here is The New Knights Templar. My order is the only genuine new order headed by the original Knights Templar Founder Hugues de Payens. I expect everybody to follow the rules. This is the only way we can keep our Templar responsible law abiding Christians and safe from threat. I also expect our Templar to be tough. If a KT can’t defend themselves, they could get their-self or another KT or an innocent member of the public injured or even killed.
Becoming a Knights Templar Biker is not something to be taken lightly, at least not with my order. You are first required to pass stringent psychological tests, to see how stable your mind is and to monitor your responses to a given situation. In addition to this, you will need to be fit. If you are not, you can train with our rookies before entering into the MC.
All Knights Templar are required to become a black belt in Sempa Martial Arts, throughout the duration of their time with The Knights Templar MC, for however long you may elect that to be. There is no ritual for leaving The Knights Templar. You are free to leave and even return to the MC. Sempa literally means ‘a flash of light’ in Native American Cherokee. Because it is the most powerful Martial Art created today, encompassing what we believe are the 5 most powerful Martial Arts in the world, it will take around 8 to 10 years to accomplish black belt status. You may then elect to train to become a Grand Master. It is a martial art that encompasses all of the qualities of a fine Christian defender of the faith. It embodies mind, body, soul and spirit within its structure. It strengthens the mind and prepares the Templar Knight for a life of both hardship, difficulty, selflessness, friendship, love, forgiveness, kindness and complete freedom at the same time.The five Martial Arts incorporated are; 1. Muay Thai and Boxing 2. Tai Chi 3. Aikido 4. Kempo Karate 5. Close Combat (formally known as CQB or Close Quarter Battle).
A Templar Knight with my order possesses the best type of character you will find in any MC around the world today. We were the wealthiest, the toughest, the finest and the most selfless organization in the world. The New Knights Templar is no different. You can be proud that you are associated with brothers and sisters who not only have your back but also love each other unconditionally, in serving God to the best of our capacity, prior to judgement day.
The Knights Templar MC are a new tough breed of Christian men and women. However, we have no perceived enemies and are therefore of no real threat to you. For this reason; we respect all other bikers and civilians alike. Violence is not an option, unless our personal safety/life is at risk, or that of another. The Knights Templar MC make no judgements regarding other biker clubs or whether their activities are legal or not and therefore we make no comparisons. However, we are permitted to uphold our beliefs and claims about who we are and how tough we are. We offer all individuals this respect. Please; show you are as tough as us by returning this respect and you will earn our respect. Attempt to threaten or disregard this respect we extend to you all and we will perceive you as being weaker than us. We deal with all threats to life seriously and are permitted by God’s laws to take a life, if ours are threatened in any way.
“We are not responsible for your personal safety. Your only enemy is yourself!”
“To thine own self be true” – William Shakespeare