Nearly 1,000 Years Ago Existed The World’s Most Powerful Soldiers Of Christ – Outnumbered 3-1 in many battles The Templar Knights still had victory over their enemies. Nearly 1,000 years later the original order of Templar Knights are back, at least their First Grand Master is. Although I couldn’t possibly know the now re-incarnated Knights new names I was able to discover my own within the bible code. How I did this is complex and is explained throughout this site. Hugues de Payen is now myself – Brett Young – For now, it is impossible to know who my original Templar Knights are today. Hopefully I will discover some as time goes on. Once again we will return to battle as Templar Knights, this time our mission a little different. This time we will exchange our horses for steel horses and ride to raise funds for worthy causes. Yet, there is also a tougher just as important mission, we will progress into. Both missions are described on this site. For The Knights Templar, victory is once again assured!.The Knights Templar MC

The New Templar Code
Above is the original ‘code of chivalry’ I created, when I was Hugues de Payens. A lot has changed in nearly 1,000 years and I thought it was time to re-write a part of the original code. I have re-written Rule Number 15. “Death to all who oppose the cause”. I have changed it to “Death in combat to any life threat”. Also, for the first time in the history of The Knights Templar, I am encouraging women to become active Knights Templar members and ride with us, to partake in some of the tough Christian Crusades we have to carry out for the Lord. Of course, as with any situation where threat, serious injury and even death, albeit less likely, may be present, there are rules in place that can not be broken.The Rules Of Engagement

Life as a Templar Knight is not for the faint of heart. However, although a KT is required to be highly self sufficient in self defense one is also required to be a Gentleman or a Lady when one joins this order. The order I speak of here is The New Knights Templar. My order is the only genuine new order headed by the original Knights Templar Founder Hugues de Payens. I expect everybody to follow the rules. This is the only way we can keep our Templar responsible law abiding Christians and safe from threat. I also expect our Templar to be tough. If a KT can’t defend themselves, they could get their-self or another KT or an innocent member of the public injured or even killed.
Becoming a Knights Templar Biker is not something to be taken lightly, at least not with my order. You are first required to pass stringent psychological tests, to see how stable your mind is and to monitor your responses to a given situation. In addition to this, you will need to be fit. If you are not, you can train with our rookies before entering into the MC.
All Knights Templar are required to become a black belt in Sempa Martial Arts, throughout the duration of their time with The Knights Templar MC, for however long you may elect that to be. There is no ritual for leaving The Knights Templar. You are free to leave and even return to the MC. Sempa literally means ‘a flash of light’ in Native American Cherokee. Because it is the most powerful Martial Art created today, encompassing what we believe are the 5 most powerful Martial Arts in the world, it will take around 8 to 10 years to accomplish black belt status. You may then elect to train to become a Grand Master. It is a martial art that encompasses all of the qualities of a fine Christian defender of the faith. It embodies mind, body, soul and spirit within its structure. It strengthens the mind and prepares the Templar Knight for a life of both hardship, difficulty, selflessness, friendship, love, forgiveness, kindness and complete freedom at the same time.The five Martial Arts incorporated are; 1. Muay Thai and Boxing 2. Tai Chi 3. Aikido 4. Kempo Karate 5. Close Combat (formally known as CQB or Close Quarter Battle).
A Templar Knight with my order possesses the best type of character you will find in any MC around the world today. We were the wealthiest, the toughest, the finest and the most selfless organization in the world. The New Knights Templar is no different. You can be proud that you are associated with brothers and sisters who not only have your back but also love each other unconditionally, in serving God to the best of our capacity, prior to judgement day.
The Knights Templar MC are a new tough breed of Christian men and women. However, we have no perceived enemies and are therefore of no real threat to you. For this reason; we respect all other bikers and civilians alike. Violence is not an option, unless our personal safety/life is at risk, or that of another. The Knights Templar MC make no judgements regarding other biker clubs or whether their activities are legal or not and therefore we make no comparisons. However, we are permitted to uphold our beliefs and claims about who we are and how tough we are. We offer all individuals this respect. Please; show you are as tough as us by returning this respect and you will earn our respect. Attempt to threaten or disregard this respect we extend to you all and we will perceive you as being weaker than us. We deal with all threats to life seriously and are permitted by God’s laws to take a life, if ours are threatened in any way.
“We are not responsible for your personal safety. Your only enemy is yourself!”
“To thine own self be true” – William Shakespeare